2008年6月3日 星期二

歐林訊息: 妥善運用意志

-- 原文 by 星吟 --

Right Use of Will妥善運用意志
Meditation by Orin and DaBen

I take a moment to breathe in light.我花一點時間將光吸入
As I breathe out, 當我呼氣時
I send light out to the world.我將光送出給世界

I relax my body.我放鬆我的身體
I feel the goodness and light 我感覺到宇宙的善與光
of the universeflowing through me.流經我
I open to experience 我開放地體驗著
my oneness with all life.我生命中的同一性

I now affirm現在我確信
that the universe is friendly,宇宙是友善的
and that it is always working for me總是為我而運作著
to assist me 協助我
in creating my higher good.創造我更高的善

I release any need to push,我釋放任何推促
to struggle, 與掙扎的需求
or to use force to create what I want.或是使盡力氣去創造我所要的

I now take a moment to lift the energy我現在花一點時間將能量從
from my solar plexus center從我
located in an area around my navel位於肚臍附近的的太陽神經叢
into my heart center.提昇至我的心輪

As I do I release the need 當我釋放
to struggle or push.掙扎及推促的需求時
I now use my wise, 我使用我那充滿智慧
loving will to create what I want.與愛的意志去創造我所想要的一切

I am confident. 我充滿信心
I try out new solutions.我嘗試新的解決方法
I look for new, better, more effective 我以新的、更好的、更有效率的
ways to do things. 方式做事
I find solutions and answers我尋找
that make everyone a winner.能使每個人成為贏家的解進方法及解答

I think of something I am doing,當我想起每件我正在著手的事
and think of at least one better, easier,我就能想到至少一種更好更容易
and more loving way to do it.且充滿更多的愛的方式來進行

I believe I can create 我相信我能輕鬆的創造
what I want 我想要的
with ease.
I do so by waiting for the right time,我等待適當的時機
and I know when that time is.我知道何時是適當的時機
I am patient.我是有耐心的

I think of something 我想到
I want to happen,我希望發生的事
I now affirm that 我現在確信
it will happen in the right time,它會在適當的時間
and in the best possible way.以最好的方式發生

I now create what I want 我現在創造我所想要的
because I know what I want. 因為我知道我想要什麼
I create a vision of what I want.我在心裡想像我想要的事物的樣子
I persistently and consistently 我堅持地持續地
work toward achieving my goals.為我的目標努力

I think of one goal I want to create that 我想到一個我目前想要創造的最高目的
is my highest goal right now.
I affirm that everyday 我確信我每一天
I will take one step to 我往實現這目標邁進一步
manifest this goal.

I listen to my wise will,我透過做我愛做的事傾聽我睿智的意志
by doing the things I love to do.
I know as I do what I love,我知道當我做我愛做的事
I am creating with my wise will.我就是在運用我睿智的意志創造

I do things only when 我做事只在
they feel right to do 事情感覺起來適合去做時才做
and when I would love to do them. 以及我愛做的時候才做
In this way I am operating 這樣,我是由我睿智意志所引動
from my wise will.

Before I decide to do something,在我決定要做事之前
I get quiet and notice my feelings about doing it. 我安靜下來,注意我對這事的感覺
I ask myself before I take action,我在行動前問我自己,
"Do I really want to do this? 「我真的想做這件事嗎?
Does it call to my heart?是我心裡的感覺嗎?
Does it seem joyful? 它看來喜悅嗎?
Is there something else I would rather do instead?" 有沒有更好的替代方式呢?」

Today, I stop before I do something and今天,在我做事前我停下來
sense if it feels right to do before I take action.在我展開行動前我感受是否適宜去做這件事

As I act from my wise will,當我依從我睿智意志行動
The universe works with me.宇宙為我運作
The things that come to me 來到我身旁的事物
are even better than I imagined.超乎我想像的更好

-- 感謝 星吟 的翻譯 --
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類別: 歐林訊息(全球冥想)

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    呵... 也很感謝你的回應哦~ ^_^

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